The law of attraction says that the quality of our thinking and feeling attract certain things and experience into our lives. Abundance thinking is the opposite deficit thinking, which is what most of do. Deficit thinking is where we focus on wanting more of something we don't have; love, money, confidence, etc. Deficit thinking results in feeling frustrated, anxious and even despair. Abundance thinking focuses all your thinking and feeling on experiencing what you want in the present moment. Abundance thinking results in feelings of happiness, confidence, security and peace.
So instead of spending alot of time trying to reduce or eliminate stressors in your life, why not put 5-10 minutes a day into trying to attract positive things into your life? Joy, abundance, peace and happiness have to be the best antidotes to stress that I know.
To being to shift from deficit to abundance thinking, you need to employ your imagination and creative side. There's a wonderful quote from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland that fits here.
"One can't believe impossible things, "Alice said.
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
In the law of attraction there's an understanding that "like attracts like." Often times in deficit or fear-based thinking, we're already using our imagination quite effectively. The problem is that we're imagining the worst! Then when what we've imagined happens, we're not surprised. Like attracts like. If we're fearful, we attract more experiences that reinforce our fearful state of mind. In deficit thinking, we are wanting something outside of ourselves to change before we can feel something positive, i.e. "If I only had a million dollars, then I'd be happy." "If I were married, then I'd feel secure." This leaves us in a state of waiting.
The secret that most people don't know is that the power of our imagination also works in reverse, when we imagine the best possible outcome happening, we also attract that. Then when it happens, we're not surprised. Like attracts like. When we're happy or feeling prosperous, we attract more experiences that reinforce that happiness or prosperity. In other words, attitudes or mental states attract similar reactions from others and draw certain experiences to you. This is reflected in our language with such statements as "what goes around comes around," "misery loves company," and "a smile is infectious."
So, to begin to learn how to switch from deficit thinking to abundance thinking, you can learn to create positive mental and emotional states without waiting for something outside yourself to happen. How? Well, most of us have a wealth of memories to draw upon. Try recalling a time in your life when you felt very happy, or at peace, or confident in your abilities. Perhaps it was the day you accepted a marriage proposal, or your child took their first steps, or you received praise for something you accomplished at work. Our positive memories are a gold mine. Call up one or several of those memories and go over them in you mind in vivid detail, especially focusing on the wonderful feeling you had at the time. Bask in the feeling. Magnify it. Let it permeate every fiber of your being.
Do this for 5-10 minutes every day and you will start to magnetize yourself to attract more of those similar feelings and experiences. Five to ten minutes...that's really not a long time when you think about the feelings you're focusing on the other 23 hours and 50 minutes of the day. The more you practice generating blissful internal feelings, the better you'll get at it.
Another way to focus on positive feelings is to create an "altar" of positive memories somewhere in your home or office. Put objects, pictures, inspiring quotes, and candles there: anything that evokes a positive memory or feeling. Spend some time looking at these objects. Play the music that you first fell in love to. One man had a wall of awards in his office that he would look at anytime he felt a lack of confidence about a new project.
Another way to create positive feelings is to imagine a goal as already complete. Imagine what you will feel like when you lose 20 pounds, earn that promotion, start a new successful relationship or business. Again, spend 5-10 minutes a day basking in that feeling.
The law of attraction and manifesting what you want is very powerful. We're manifesting and attracting all the time, just not the things we consciously want. Make a decision to start looking for abundance, focusing your imagination on the fulfillment of your dreams, basking in positive emotional states and watch what happens.
What did you manifest today?
Annette Vaillancourt, Ph.D. - Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker
EnterTraining Seminars: "We Learn You Good!"
Peak Performance, Stress in the Workplace, Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills
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